
thank for you giving this piece a home!

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I loved this, thank you.

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Thank you for reading!

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Jan 24Liked by Sari Botton, Memoir Land, Amy Shearn

This is beautiful. I’m not a mom but I know what it means to feel invisible. The older I get, the more invisible I am.

I can imagine why it would be desirable to keep the relationship as it was.

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Thank you for reading and for sharing this ❤️

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Jan 24Liked by Sari Botton, Memoir Land, Amy Shearn

I love this essay so much as you know! Equal parts about falling in love, looking at art, disability, eyes, and how we dream of being seen! It’s so good!!! Also Rothko and Serra forever!! 🩷🩷🩷🧠🧠🧠👁️👁️👁️

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Thank you for helping me with it! And with life

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Jan 24Liked by Sari Botton, Memoir Land, Amy Shearn

Oh I'm so sorry the story is over - I wanted it to flow on and on. So sweet, so poignant, so absolutely not cloying-sappy-nice-nice. I want to feel love like that. I love how you write.

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oh thank you! Appreciate this so much.

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Yes me too!! I wanted a happppy ending

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It was a happy ending! In a way 😅

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Yes true!! I am glad you are well:)

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Jan 24Liked by Sari Botton, Memoir Land, Amy Shearn

“But isn’t that one of the reasons we love to fall in love? Being seen by someone, truly seen? Having someone find beautiful everything about yourself that you find questionable?”

Beautiful essay, Amy! ❤️

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Thank you Kailey!

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Jan 24Liked by Sari Botton, Memoir Land, Amy Shearn

What a gorgeous piece of writing. Thank you for sharing this story from your life.

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Ah thank you so much!

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Jan 24Liked by Sari Botton, Memoir Land, Amy Shearn

Love love love

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Jan 24Liked by Sari Botton, Amy Shearn

Beautifully genuinely-sweetly written bringing back some memories of my own from a past brief but lovely love of mine that took place between the days/weeks of my personal day to day life on my own in a different city and country, never living together either - nor marrying ever, but remaining close friends for years even after we both married - last night I dreamed about this long past love and remembered why I had been in love with him (but not the other truths about the very different daily lives we led and aspired to live)...thank you for posting this :-)

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ohhhh thank you for sharing this. There is something special about these lovely interludes even when (especially when??) they remain interludes. ❤️

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Jan 29Liked by Sari Botton, Amy Shearn


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Amy - I was so invested in this love story, the introduction of a break-up felt impossible. But then I realised that was the point - the beauty is in the attempt, I appreciated everything again in a whole different way when I read that. A meditation on how things don’t have to last forever (because what does?) to be romantic - thank you for your wonderful writing

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Oh, thank you for this! Such an honor to be read so thoughtfully. xx

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Jan 26Liked by Sari Botton, Amy Shearn

My favorite, "I had been feeling, in that moment, both erased and exposed."

Your romance reminded me of a summer of utter sweetness with a younger man. He came at the right time, but wrong as well, because I was moving and he was just there for a few months. Every woman should be so lucky to have that experience, but unlike you we tried to keep it going and connect again, and that's when it fell apart, which you elude to at the end of your essay.

What a wonderful, lovely, moving piece, Amy! We are right there with you, and I love that you had this.

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Thank you for this! I love hearing a bit of your story too. Life takes some interesting twists and turns sometimes, doesn’t it?

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Absolutely! xo

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Jan 25Liked by Sari Botton, Amy Shearn

Now you, my dear, are a writer. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you!

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Jan 25Liked by Sari Botton, Amy Shearn

Beautiful piece. What a gift to experience this kind of love. Being seen is the best gift, and these are the exact experiences we need post-divorce! I absolutely loved reading this.

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Thank you!

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Jan 25Liked by Sari Botton, Amy Shearn

Amy, I love how you compare your new love and the experiences it brings with art. The darkness and the light, the galleries and museum. It weaves a beautiful tapestry.

Thank you for having the courage to share this vulnerable part of your story.

Sari, thanks for hosting Amy and giving us the chance to find her!

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Thank you so much! Sharing personal stories always feels, well, you know. So personal. But I'm glad when other people do because I love to read them, so that helps me remember why I do it, too... :)

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I have been happily and sometimes unhappily married to a truly amazing man for 38 years... and this awakened longing. Thank you.

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Oh thank you! And ... sorry? A long mostly happy marriage sounds like a win though ❤️

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Oh, it is.

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Jan 24Liked by Sari Botton, Amy Shearn

What a beautiful piece. I loved this.

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Thank you!

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