Yes yes: "From that moment, when I understood I could take lived experience and craft it into narrative, I’ve been doing that ever since." That is exactly how it happened for me. And "writing is discovery." It is also "change." Everything I write from a deep dive into experience, changes the way I think and feel. I am going to buy Davis' book about her mother, which I hadn't heard of before. Can't wait to read the new one. My daughter has lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis - the diagnosis of her auto immune condition changes. She was in remission for years, but Covid changed that. Thanks so much for introducing me to Davis's work.

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Writing is such a legacy! So fortunate that you have begun your purposeful direction!!

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Thoughtful, inspiring. Makes me want to get to writing!

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Thank you! 🙏🏾 It’s amazing what 15 minutes a day can produce!

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