I am excited to read your book. After a dear friend and journalist colleague lost a baby to a stillbirth, she wrote a memoir called Life Touches Life by Lorraine Ash, which took her years to find a publisher for. It opened my eyes to how many women had pregnancies that ended in miscarriage or stillbirth, or who needed extreme medical care.

Just yesterday, a longtime friend said she had lost a boy to stillbirth and at the time, 40 plus years ago, there was no one to talk to about the loss. Books like yours and Lorraine’s are part of the new conversations about what it means to be a woman in a cultUre that shames those whose bodies cannot hold a pregnancy, through no fault except of the realties of human pregnancies. medically, one out of five pregnancies end in natural miscarriage or stillbirth, or other heartbreaking, life threatening complications. Yet, woman were shamed or guilted into never talking about their experiences. I hope your book will add to the body of information that will help end the stigma around imperfect pregnancies.

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I read Lorraine's book years ago when it first came out and exchanged a few emails with her. Hers is one of the very few memoirs I've ever found that mirrors my own story, where the writer remains childless after loss, and I am grateful to her for writing it!

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