Sitemap - 2021 - Memoir Land

A Special Holiday Offer On Manuscript Evaluation...

The Last Memoir Monday Newsletter of the Year...

Some Personal Essays to Distract You From Your Case of "The Mondays"...

Hot Off the Presses: Nine New Personal Essays

This Week's Batch of Stellar Personal Essays...

Nine New Personal Essays to Read This Week...

Eight new essays! Also...Save the date: Weds. March 23, for the AWP Edition of the Memoir Monday Reading.

The Fall Memoir Monday Reading is tonight! Plus 9 Great New Personal Essays...

One Week Until the Fall Memoir Monday Reading! Plus, 10 great new essays...

The Memoir Monday Reading Series is Back November 8th! Plus, Seven Great New Personal Essays...

TEN new personal essays! There are some new faces in Memoir Monday-ville this week...

Six New Personal Essays, and Plans to Bring You Much More...

Help Expand Memoir Monday, and Fund Original Work!

Hot off the presses: A great new batch of personal essays!

Future tense, trans terminology, a sandstorm, oldish for Eilish, and a ghost town...

Unrequited mother-love, maybe baby, writing while ill, psych ward photojournalism, and the fleeting nature of certainty...

Five stellar new essays, plus a series on craft...

Shadow writer, Billie Jean King, fuzzy memory, a grieving heart, border-crossing, back to school...

Food's many meanings, policewomen in Pakistan, to be touched by water, inequality in incarceration...

Ex marks the plot, becoming troublesome, transported by laughter, memoirializing los muertos, and somniphobia...

Fluid shaving, surviving a siege, and fractured truths...

The weight of motherhood, disappearance before death, Beirut burning, and grief baking...

Invisible illness diagnosed, a complicated elegy, tsunami dreams, bad apples...

Objects as offerings, so many squirrels, persistence of pebbles...

Commemorative trees, chosen names, legal guardianship, and writing unschooled...

Searching for identity in diaspora, a family tradition of lobster-hunting, offering rides to refugees, and the haunting of houses...

Video from our latest reading, plus five incredible essays...

Post-#MeToo PTSD, A volcano's momentary survivor, dispatch from the Korean diaspora, grief as an impetus for organizing...

Don't miss our reading tonight!

Corrected: Anime and identity, desire and monstrosity, and scarcity in Silesia

Anime and identity, desire and monstrosity, and scarcity in Silesia

Shifting body ideals, mothering as writing prompt, untangling an origin story, and dentists in the family

Disability diagnosed, gay Bengali brides, and archived ancestral comfort foods

A wedding, a head trip, and a lost eye

Announcing our next reading line-up!

Deafness, conspiracy theories, and an S.R.O.

Crystals, French rolls, and J-school

Bend It Like Beckham, road trips, and the untranslatable

Walt Whitman, a home for unwed mothers, and explaining genocide

Psychics, mould, and Mr. Miyagi

Sailing, head lice, and imagination as a Black and queer tradition

Sunflowers, nihilism, and a Black physicist

Don't miss our reading tonight!

Stuttering, vulnerability, and a year without libraries

Separation anxiety, mother tongue, and chickens

Kamala Khan, Mary Oliver, and True Detective

K-pop, a mausoleum, and the panic years

The mom archetype, intimate prosthetics, and learning to sleep

Announcing our next reading line-up!

Perfume, reporting, and a Eula Biss excerpt

Turtle brushes, running, and West Virginia

Casting calls, antidepressants, and a Jewish father