Funny and touching. I particularly liked “a divorced, disco-era Tevye with a Jew-fro and a shiny Huckapoo shirt.”

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Me too!

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Feb 5Liked by Sari Botton

Me too!

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Beautiful. Just beautiful.

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This is just beautiful and lovely to read and see. Thanks for sharing this!

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Happy Anniversary, Sari! Love this story and the idea for this new vertical. These feelings are so relatable to anyone who has ever lived in NYC. My story is very similar- my (non-religious Jewish) husband and I (a lapsed Catholic) eloped to the Manhattan Municipal Building 18 years ago this October. It was a 2nd marriage for both of us and it felt both sensible and special all at the same time. We surprised his young kids with the after-school "field trip" (we had been engaged for over a year so they knew it was coming at some point!) and had a sweet, intimate dinner party to celebrate weeks later. I see the building often as I take the 6 train at Brooklyn Bridge station at least once a week, and smile wide every time it comes into view...

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Really well written , I loved your lovely romantic love story

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Feb 5Liked by Sari Botton

OMIGOD, the best. Loved it all. Thank you for sharing it, and for your contributing to the essay I need to write called called I'm Drowning in the Substacks.

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I subscribe to over 350. Lol. Thank you!!!

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What a lovely essay. Happy anniversary!

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Feb 5Liked by Sari Botton

Oh “the dichotomy, and the constant push-pull New York City exerts on its inhabitants”, I know it well. And what a lovely story.

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Feb 6Liked by Sari Botton

Beautiful! We need more stories about your dad please.

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YESSSS can't wait for more of this! Love this story, reminds me of my days as a member of an NYC wedding band, when I witnessed every kind of Bridezilla and Groomzilla in the wild.

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You must have some great stories about that, Alicia. I can only imagine...

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Honestly? I think that period in my life pretty much turned me off marriage, or at least weddings... although I did eventually have both in my mid-40s :)

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Feb 4Liked by Sari Botton

“I’m 11!” Ha, loved this. And a great idea for a new part of memoir land. Look forward to more New York stories.

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Feb 4Liked by Sari Botton

Just lovely. Many years of happiness to all of you.

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Sari, I enjoyed this sweet tale of family love and doing things your way.

My husband and I eloped to avoid wedding stress. As we attempted to get married on a cliff over the Pacific Ocean, we found out we needed a witness so I caught a sweaty jogger on a nearby path. He took photos, too... of our feet.

Hey, I have one of your NY story anthologies, "Never SAY Goodbye." I just now realized who you are. That book means a lot to me. I bought it at Book Book on Bleeker the night before flying back home to LA. After buying it, I took it to Cornelia Street Cafe to read as I ate key lime pie. I took it back to my hotel and read it all night long. The next day, I read it at Katz's Deli, and, finally, on the plane home. Soon after, I heard both Book Book and Cornelia Street Cafe closed.

Thank you for those stories. They're connected to that trip I spent with my daughter, enjoying New York City.

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I love this. Thank you for telling me, and for your kind words about my piece! And for getting my book! I miss those places, too...

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Brilliant as usual and my super religious father did much of the same, including the whole "go talk to the rabbi" when I went to a middle school dance with a non-Jew, oy! xxxx

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Love that you relate! <3

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Beautiful story, delightfully told. I look forward to more of these. And I felt/feel very similarly about my relationship with London. Even though the ocean eventually drew me away, that big sprawling dirty metropolis has such a special place in my heart and continually calls me back 😊

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Thank you! Glad to know you can relate. ❤️

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So beautiful. I love this story.

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