"Even if you don’t publish your book, write your book. You will have a new relationship with yourself and the rest of the world because you will be free from the story within you that needs to be seen—primarily by you."

Loved this advice.

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Jun 12Liked by Sari Botton

Yes! Me, too.

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Thank you!

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Dear Karen, my deepest congratulations on publishing your honest memoir. I cannot even imagine, how many lives of gay people were completely destroyed by the political policy of the some stupid people in the power. There is still a law in Russia to send gays in the prison. Like Love is a crime and punishable because you love not opposite gender person but your own gender.

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Thank you, and yes…there are many places in the world that are dangerous for the LGBTQ+ community. Step by step, my hope is that our world becomes a more loving and welcoming place for all. Thanks for your comment 🙏

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I really enjoyed reading this, being introduced to a world I could never know about on my own. Thanks for your bravery and persistence at emerging from secrets. I like the backdrop of how you're caring for your mother, and loving your pup.

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Thank you! Yes, my life is much different these days and I love the slower pace with my pup and watching over my mom. Wouldn’t have it any other way. Appreciate your comment. 🙏

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Also, I have lived my entire life extremely Navy adjacent, on a large inland fjord where all kinds of Navy stuff is tested and the ships and subs abound. I almost got hit by a torpedo when I was sixteen and sitting on our beach with my mother and young siblings. A vast Navy base sits just around the "corner" of the bay. A few years ago, in nearby Port Townsend, a giant ship released thousands of women and men for "liberty" for a day before they headed off to some combat zone. We happened to be in town that day, and it was startling to see all these young people wandering around town. A few fights as the day wore on. Thanks to your piece, Karen, I'm wondering how many suffer that same shroud of enforced silence. I look forward to reading your book. I'm glad for the peace you're experiencing now.

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Thank you so much, Kirie.

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Jun 13Liked by Sari Botton

I was a Navy officer in the 1980s and experienced the "management challenges" (i.e., extreme pain) of watching those who worked for me struggle to hide their true identities. It was such a farce and had such wide-ranging implications for everyone involved. Thank you, Karen, for publishing your story.

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Thank you, Bette-and for your service as well.

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Another eye opening, blisteringly honest author interview. Thanks again for this series, Sari.

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