That feeling when you come up with a really great sentence and just know it’s gonna kill."
Nothing better.
And Olga - I love your name. I created a piece of assemblage art that is titled, Olga the Omniscient. You should really have it hanging over your desk. 😊😊
love this interview. So candid.
This is a cool idea. I will read more of these.
"What do you love about writing?
That feeling when you come up with a really great sentence and just know it’s gonna kill."
Nothing better.
And Olga - I love your name. I created a piece of assemblage art that is titled, Olga the Omniscient. You should really have it hanging over your desk. 😊😊
So interesting, the idea, and apparently the reality, that you can become someone other than who you are. Or maybe you become your truer self.