John Devore is the greatest.

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I love (and related to) so many of his responses here.

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My son pre-ordered your book and it is on his nightstand.

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Interesting post. I know Matt Freeman. Matt was a playwright often working with my son’s production company, Blue Coyote. Congratulations on your success.

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Such incredible lines in this interview:

"There is a difference between fact and truth, and a memoir is the truth after two scotches at an airport bar."

"I write for the same reason I read, to be surprised — and delighted or moved or horrified. My life is the story of all the things I wasn't expecting and how I reacted to them — we are all a collection of surprises."

"I do feel that publishing a book is a little bit like having a kid. My book has a life of its own now. It exists in the world outside of me, and people are having relationships with it that have nothing to do with me. I cared for the book, and now it is free."

Ugh. BRB. Off to go re-read this again. Stunning.

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I love all of his responses! And relate to many.

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Oh wow - I’m a new subscriber here, and I can tell that list of books to read is going to get very long very fast (Not that it isn’t long already!). This interview pulled me right in - and this is the quote that will stick with me: “There is a difference between fact and truth, and a memoir is the truth after two scotches at an airport bar.”. I’m not a drinker but I get the idea… and it’s encouragement to keep going.

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Glad this resonated!

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Bravo! Good, smart, thoughtful and engaging. Worth reading for this quote alone, but there are lots more…

I had an acting teacher once say, "You cannot fail forever." He was right. Now, you can fail for a long, long, long time. But he wanted me to know that sometimes, you just have to forge forward, not listen to reason or advice, just go, go, go, knock on doors, pound on doors, and find a way into the rooms you want to be in.

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His mom sounds cool af.

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